Sunday, July 22, 2007

(Some) News and Prayer Requests (Update #2)

Ok, here's the thing about PNG: 1 day here can feel like multiple days. So to me, instead of being here for just 2 1/2 weeks, it feels like I've been here for about 3 months. I swear- for like 2 days now, I've been just antsy- wanting to write you, but 3 things: first- I don't like feeling like I'm "writing home from camp", second- I don't want to bug you with too many notes, and third- when I did finally check the calendar just now, I realized that it's only been a WEEK since I last wrote!! I thought for sure it'd been like 2 weeks! Too bad- I'm writing anyway!!!

And now the funny thing- there's not a whole lot to report!!! I just am really missing people today...

This week started with the totally amazing tribal visit I'd mentioned last letter, and went on to include a "staged mumu", a trip to Goroka, and a hike to the River (my favorite hike here). Good stuff!! We said goodbye to some of the girls helping with Hospitality on Thursday, and then the GI guys (film crew) left this weekend. So it's been quieting down here a bit.

Friday before GI took off, we got to see a very rough cut of what the film "might" be like, and it was amazing. I can't wait to show it to you guys back home. I got to do a lot of new and fun things on this trip because I was part of the "film crew", and I am sooooo thankful for that!! Also, God used these guys to tangibly demonstrate some very God-pleasing characteristics- wisdom, patience, compassion, servanthood, total reliance on the Lord- and I'm really grateful for that as well. ( P.S.- remind me to tell you a really cool story about the family of the camera guy!)

The students are all enjoying their taste of tribal life. This is a very young group- about half of them are 16-19. I've NEVER interacted with this age group before now, and I will say- it's a breath of fresh air. All of them are so obviously in love with the Lord, and already feel like they want to serve God thru missions- and I've just never witnessed that in people of this age group before. It's really awesome! I love the girls the most- they come into the Kitchen to ask how I'm doing, and if they can help with things, they want me to go with them to the village, and to do stuff with them after classes. They invited me to a little "all-girls-night-in-cabin-2"- complete with popcorn-which was fun until they started trying to convince me that one of the GI guys and I were "so MFEO". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! They make me laugh a lot- it's the best. I know I shouldn't but I totally have my favorites. :) This has been a very good experience!

I'm gonna go straight to some prayer requests now, and also say that I'd love it if you'd send me some for you as well.

1. For guidance and wisdom when talking with the girls.
2. For time with Nationals- I haven't spent a lot of time with nationals here thus far, and I'd like to.
3. For Dave and Sally Cross- an amazing couple who I totally adore- they have been at Interface for 16 years- the entire time they've been married, and they will be leaving permanently just 2 weeks after I leave. So pray for packing and planning, and letting go of a long ministry, and for a smooth transition- of "the reigns" here, and back into western life.
4. For the finishing of this film project- there's been mixed reactions from staff, and I just hope and pray that clear communication results in a finished product that everyone is happy with, and that clearly represents Interface for future participants.
5. For Kara Shaylor- she is one of the ITF coordinators from back home (she and her husband live in Deltona). She has lung problems, and because of the higher altitude here, she's been very sick- to the point that she and Doug had to leave the program and go stay at Lapilo (NTM regional headquarters) so she could be close to the health clinic at all times.
6. For my heart- while I am very happy here, I'm missing people (you guys).
7. For re-connection when I come home.
8. For trip finances.

I've seen my old language helper, Joyce, and her little boy Rich a few times now, and it's been so good! Upon seeing eachother again the first time, we hugged for a good long time. I wanted to see Baby Rich immediately, and while I was holding him, she called me "susa bilong Rich" (Rich's sister), and "pikinini bilong mi" (her daughter). I'd never heard her say that before, and I wanted to cry. (it's a little funny, because she's actually younger than me, but whatever- I've got a Bena Mama)

Oh- one more very cool thing (for me): I got to see the Milky Way here! Like 3 times now! The nights here can be soooo amazingly clear at times, and the stars just stand out so brightly! No ambient/ city lights here to mute them! One night a while back now I noticed that a "cloud arch" wasn't moving- it would have been the only "clouds" in the sky- and I was told it was the Milky Way. Very cool. I see things like that, and the beauty that is every which way you can possibly turn here, and think, "who says there's no Creator? This could have happened by chance?? NO WAY!"

Thank you so much again- just for even reading this, for sending me, and for praying for me. Thank you so much for all that you do! I am so grateful for the family and friends God's put in my life.

Lukim Yu Nau.

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