Tuesday, March 10, 2009

23% or 1.5%... One of the two...

Today kicked off training for the North Face 1/2 marathon I'm doing in June. I ran my first 3 miles- which is 23% of the distance I'll be going on June 6th, OR 1.5% of the total 191 miles I'll be running between now and the finish line.

It's been about 2 months since last my feet moved at such a pace, but it really felt good to be outside and running again! No cramping, and I only stopped to walk (fast) for about 2 minutes. I am REALLY looking forward to getting back into shape after my nice lazy 4 month sabbatical. I'm planning on using "Hal Higdon's" 1/2 marathon novice runner training schedule to prepare. This will translate into running 3-4 times a week, and getting into the gym 3-4 times a week as well. Can you even believe this is coming from me??

I'm even gonna *somewhat* try to eat healthier. Whenever I work out regularly, my appetite is just insatiable! So I've gotten a bunch of healthy things I know I like to munch on constantly.

I am really REALLY excited about all of this! I've been half-heartedly hoping for something to just fall into my lap that could serve as a goal. I always operate best when I have something tangible to look forward to. And this is IT for the next 12 weeks!

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