Thursday, September 03, 2009

It's time.

The letter I sent out this morning- relevant for anyone and everyone who might happen to read my blog (the like 3 of you...). I covet your prayers.

Hi Folks,
A quick note this morning to a short list of people, asking you to please join me in prayer. It’s time to start praying about my plans for going back to PNG long term. I stopped dragging my feet and emailed the school principle out there this morning. Kelly- I don’t have an email address for Mike, but since you (collectively) are my pastor and wonderful source of wise counsel, I’m hoping you don’t mind being added to this list. To fill you in briefly- at this time, I’m praying about and hoping to return to Papua New Guinea to serve as a speech therapist (go figure!) in a missionary school for 2 years, in 2 years.

A few prayer points that’ll cover a lot of what’s to be expected for the next 2 years:
-the sale of my house and the payment of all my student loans.
-housing arrangements for me over there.
-education “brush up” to best serve. Also I may have to take an extensive course offered by the National Institute for Learning Disabilities prior to leaving.
-the process of becoming an official Associate with New Tribes.
-fundraising/ “deputation”- not even close to beginning, but it’s inevitable, and on a MUCH larger scale than for a 6 week trip!
-for my continued obedience, as I am very prone to wandering away to do my own thing, and for general heart protection.

Thank you all so much- for your past support and for your current prayer coverage too. It means the world to me.


  1. Emily -
    I'm so excited for you to begin this adventure. I'll definitely keep you and your goals in my prayers. Love you!

  2. Emily, I'm so proud of you! This all sounds so wonderful. And you absolutely have my thoughts, prayers, and support.

    Love, Ashley Ray :)

