“I’ve called you back from the ends of the earth, you are My servant. I’ve chosen you and will not throw you away. Don’t be afraid- I am with you. Don’t be discouraged- I will strengthen and help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:9-10
These verses came to me as I was preparing to return to the States, and was about to be thrown into a bad situation. God calmed me, and assured me He’s got a purpose for me. I haven’t figured out what that is yet, but praise Him with me for meeting me in this moment!
WOW!! Thank you so much for your prayer and/or financial support of my missions involvement!! This last trip was the best yet! I went intent on serving the students at INTERFACE. And while I did that, the trip turned into much more than just a serving opportunity.
The “big lesson” God spoke to me was if you want to share Christ with someone, you have to be Christ to them first. Love them. Meet them where they are in life, instead of insisting people elevate to your expectations. This is true service!
I saw this first hand with New Tribes too- in principle and practice. A lot of time is spent with the Nationals- learning their language- extensively, not just “enough”, learning the culture and practices, learning about the people- their families, joys, sorrows. The missionaries pour their lives into the people they serve. They want to be a part of their lives, and to see them in Heaven some day. They want them to understand clearly that Jesus is the only way to the Father.
It isn’t about which day you worship, the songs you sing, or order of prayer. It’s not about what or how much you can give up “for God”. It’s not about being right, or letting someone else know they’re wrong. (oh man do I feel convicted on those!!) It’s not about having the answer all the time! It IS about loving people, meeting needs, and showing Christ thru your actions and words. It is about dying to self. And all of this is summarized in the sweet word “Relationship”. It all boils down to our relationship with the Lord, followed by our relationships with others, and our dying relationship with the World.
It was the relationships I encountered that were the most enjoyable element to me. I loved getting to know the students- what an awesome group just sold out for the Lord! I got to know the staff better too, and I treasure them even more now! The best was getting to know the Nationals. I absolutely loved being with the ladies every day in the kitchen, and then seeing them in the villages or on the road. Meeting little Lime (leemay) and Apahe (a-pa-hay) again (the children in the picture) was such a treat! Learning language with them, laughing and playing, and walking home together… It warmed my heart, and built in me a desire to serve them more.
And now, that is why I am returning in July and August. To continue to build relationships with those same people. I will be serving in the same capacity as I did this time- helping in the kitchen, doing office stuff, running the snack bar occasionally, and just meeting needs for the students in any way that I can. I can’t even tell you how excited I am! YAY!!!
I beg you to pray with me:
1. Praise for this new opportunity- God has really opened the right doors to allow me to return from July 2- August 10, 2007.
2. For trip finances ($4000), and for home finances while I’m gone.
(If you, thru prayer, feel led to donate toward my missions
involvement, you can do so securely online here.)
3. Satan loves attacking after mountain top experiences, and these past few months being home have been no exception to that. Please pray for:
- my relationship with the Lord– that it would grow, and
for submission to His will over my own.
- heart issues that have arisen that I’m struggling with
- fellowship opportunities
- deeper friendships and trust to grow
- a roommate
I want you to know you are cherished! You are so important to me! May I pray for you as well? It would be an honor to serve you thru prayer, or in any other tangible way. I’d love to hear how you’re doing, what you’ve been up to recently, and to just reconnect with you some time. I thank you so much for your support and encouragement.
Thank you so much for sending me!! I look forward to serving you soon!